lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

the person that I love

The person that I have a lot of love is my dad because is a man that pass every obstacle in his life and a very strong man, I like his attitude; because he never   give up with a problem, job etc. my dad is a good father, friend, brother, in the job, in the family. He burn in april 13 of 1970, is complete name is FAISAL ANTONIO ARANKY MASSIS. He coming of an Arabian’s family. Have 3 brothers one died of leuquimia was very sad for me because I love him a lot because was my aunt that died. The brother that is a lived work with my father, they are together in the work and support each other. I miss my aunt a lot more in my birthday, the family moments or events that we do. The most things that  scared me  are lost my parents because I love them a lot and give me everything to be like I am a human been and a good father and his brother are a good sons and good persons they like to work together because they like to do the things that they like and in something have the same thing to work.  When my father was kidnapping I feel so lonely because my mother never go to sleep to my house and I never talk with my father, I were very scared because I feel that the guys like to do something wrong to him, but then I pray a lot form my dad to be safety and good. I admired a lot my dad because he’s over it the problem that he has sometimes he remember the ugly thing that he pass the 1 month, was very hard for he and us, my dad always have the head in up , and always the things go fine in the purposed that he do.  He promise to “EL HERMANO PEDRO” go every fifteen days to  go to see him and thank to him that now is a lived , and a good life, and family. My father is a person very responsible like a father and a worker he likes to work to help people, that have problems and I like that he do this because he feel a good human been , helping people that are kidnapping or like another care to be safety for the people that are very ugly and bad, that like to kill people and they think is funny doing this things, they are very crazy to do this things, that’s why I admired my dad to doing all this things that are like a benefice from the people that need this tips of things at someday they going to say thanks to my dad , for the things that he do. When I grow up I like to be like my father a good person , responsible , and love the things that you do to helping people when they need you in a hard moment and sometimes scaring to go out in the streets and someone doing something that are very bad , like killing, kidnapping, or assassinating. I love my dad, a good, huggable, person , he always take care from me and my sisters when we are sick , I like the caracteristics that he have , I like to be like him when I grow up, and flow the things that he do in his life like person and work.  He always are from me in the good and bad times , support me when I  have problems in school, house, love, friends.



In summer is the warmest of the four temperate seasons, between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice. The date of the beginning of summer varies according to climate, culture, and tradition, but when it is summer in the southern hemisphere it is winter in the northern hemisphere, and vice versa. Summer is traditionally associated with hot dry weather, but this does not occur in all regions. In areas of the tropics and subtropics, the wet season occurs during the summer. The wet season is the main period of vegetation growth within the savanna climate regime. Where the wet season is associated with a seasonal shift in the prevailing winds, it is known as a monsoon. In the Northern Atlantic Ocean, a distinct tropical cyclone season occurs from 1 June to 30 November, The statistical peak of the Atlantic hurricane season is 10 September.
 the people can go to the beach with the family, and have fun and enter to the pool and the beach, you can be all the day out side with the hot day and the air fresh, and walk in the water alone with music romantic , and see the beautiful late afternoon. Activities such as traveling to the beach and picnics occur during summer months. Sports such as cricket, volleyball, skateboarding, baseball, softball, tennis and water polo are played. Water sports also occur. These include water skiing, wake boarding, and tubing. Water skiing is a uniquely summer sport, which is done when waters approach their warmest of the year.
In summer you can do a lot of things, swim, run, volleyball in the beach, wake boarding in the beach or in Rio dulce, go to party with friends, enjoy the good sight, and to get dark with music that you can dance and friends.
In America the months are different to other countries for example, In America the summer months are June July and August. In Ireland and the UK May June and July. In Dubai the summer is June , July and August.
This climb you can do everything you want because you don’t have to stay all day in your house watching tv , or movie etc., you can go out to the pool, walk, play with your family , friends.